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Top 5 Uses for Healthcare Digital Signage

by Tara Nichols

Top 5 Uses for Healthcare Digital Signage

by Tara Nichols

The healthcare industry in Asia-Pacific is evolving at a rapid pace, with many healthcare facilities turning to digital technologies to transform their services, drive efficiency and enhance the patient experience. The global healthcare digital signage market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.4% in 2021-2028, while according to LEK Consulting, 65% of hospitals in the Asia-Pacific region will increase spending on digitalisation in the next three years to minimise medical errors and raise patient satisfaction. In fact, 93% of healthcare organisations already have a digital transformation strategy or are in the process of creating one.

Healthcare settings can be stressful environments, but digital technology can help alleviate stress and create a better experience.


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Here are the top five uses for digital signage in healthcare settings.

1. Wayfinding

Wayfinding difficulties in healthcare settings such as hospitals and clinics have been shown to increase anxiety for patients and visitors, as well as reducing the operational efficiency of healthcare staff. Many healthcare providers are choosing digital tools, like wayfinding kiosks, healthcare digital signage and wayfinding apps to help people move around their facilities efficiently. For example, digital wayfinding kiosks can enable access to a directory search, wayfinding app or digital building map, allowing patients and visitors to easily search for their destination.

2. Digital noticeboard

Research shows that 52% of patients get some health information from digital signage. Digital noticeboards or bulletin boards for healthcare can provide important health-related information for patients while waiting, and can also be used to advertise health facility products and services. Waiting room digital signage can be used to display health tips, educate patients and stream live tv and entertainment.

3. Queue management

Digital signage is shown to reduce perceived wait times by more than 35%, and so queue management is an important use for digital signage in healthcare settings. Deploying healthcare digital signage at entry and exit points that offer real-time queue updates can reduce anxiety by keeping patients informed of their position in the queue.

4. Digital check-in and self-service

Patient self check-in or digital check-in is the way of the future. Not only does a digital patient check-in system eliminate the patient queue, it can streamline the check-in process and help reduce hospital and clinic administration overheads. Delivered via interactive kiosks or digital signs, digital check-in reduces the amount of time that reception staff need to dedicate to manual check-in. This allows them to have higher value interactions with patients and helps deliver a better patient experience.

5. Service feedback

Patient feedback is an essential part of delivering quality healthcare services. Hospitals, clinics and other facilities need to know that they are meeting patient needs and constantly improving their service. Interactive digital signage, touchscreen kiosks and tablets can be used to allow patients to give relevant feedback and rate their level of satisfaction, providing healthcare providers with important information to keep improving their service and operations.

Enhance Your Healthcare Experience Today With SCALA

Scala’s digital signage for healthcare helps transform the patient and visitor experience by making visiting and navigating health facilities less stressful. With access to a wide variety of technology, from digital wayfinding and interactive digital signs to occupancy management and queue management solutions, Scala can help hospitals and other large health facilities boost satisfaction and improve their services. Find out more about Scala’s solutions for healthcare.

About the Author:

Tara Nichols, Marketing Consultant at SCALA Asia-Pacific, has a diverse background in marketing, social media and communications. Based in Australia, she supports SCALA APAC’s social media and marketing activities, providing content ideation, writing and creative support services.

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