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Hotels & Casinos

Create Memorable Guest Experiences with Smart Digital Signage

Hotels & Casinos

Digital Signage Solutions for Hotels & Casinos

Digital Signage Solutions for Hotels & Casinos

Scala’s digital signage solutions enhance guest experiences in hotels and casinos, driving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue by promoting amenities and encouraging repeat visits.

Key Use Cases

Hotel Self-Check-In

Enable hassle-free digital guest check-in through self-service kiosks and interactive screens.

Wayfinding and Digital Concierge

Implement touchscreen kiosks, tablets, and interactive signs for wayfinding, directories, local travel updates, weather, news, and event information.

Promote Attractions, Events & Amenities

Promote onsite dining, shopping, theatres, local attractions, and in-house events and specials.

Lobby Digital Signage

Impress guests upon entry with grand video walls in the hotel or casino lobby, showcasing welcoming messages, captivating ads, and art installations.

Gaming and Jackpot Solutions

Enhance gaming excitement with striking LED table signs, jackpot displays, and interactive sports betting tablets.

Hotel Solutions

Scala provides advanced digital signage solutions for hotels and casinos to enhance guest experiences, boost satisfaction, and foster customer loyalty.

Why Scala for Hotels and casinos


Stable and Reliable

Deploy digital experiences confidently with Scala Enterprise platform, ensuring stable and reliable performance 24/7.


Transform the Guest Experience

Scala’s digital solutions revolutionise the guest experience by offering seamless check-in, self-service, digital concierge, welcome signage, wayfinding, and easy access to information.


Update Information Easily

Scala simplifies content deployment by enabling easy creation, scheduling, and broadcasting of messages across multiple screens and locations.


Flexible and Scalable

Scala’s digital signage management software is versatile and adaptable, enabling customised digital experiences of any size or scope.


Smart Content Management

Scala Player digital signage software offers advanced features like smart playlists, scheduling, user roles with permissions, and triggers.


Infinitely Customisable

Design captivating digital signage with Scala’s robust online tool. Maintain brand consistency easily by customising fonts, styles, and adding unique colors and images.


Design Versatility

Design for landscape, portrait, or video walls with auto-rotating and scaling content for the perfect display fit.

Create Compelling Content Easily

Scala Designer simplifies content creation through its user-friendly interface, flexible design, and instant rendering. Effortlessly blend text, images, graphics, videos, and animations for engaging content..

Digital Signage Solutions for Hotels & Casinos in India

“The key thing that a hotel must do is create a unique personal experience for each guest.”

– Atef Mankarios

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