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How Digital Signage Can Transform Resort Revenue: Expert Tips

by Scala Team

How Digital Signage Can Transform Resort Revenue: Expert Tips

by Scala Team

The booming hospitality sector could maximise the use of hotel or resort digital signage solutions to draw in customers and increase their earnings – and we show you how

Since the waning of the pandemic in mid-2022, global tourism has returned in a major way. South Asia, in particular, with its diversity in terms of both cultural offerings and modern amenities, is a popular destination, drawing thousands of tourists per year.

Resort Digital Signage Solutions
This means hotels and resorts throughout India stand to pull in a large number of guests – and that prompts a question: what can you do to build more revenue at your hotel or resort? For that resort digital signage solutions are one of the best options at your disposal.

Expert Tips to Increase Resort Revenue with Digital Signage

There are currently a number of digital signage solutions for hospitality. Many of these are deployed within public areas of a hotel or resort, such as a lobby or a lounge. Others are in-room devices or in-facility devices such as those used for ordering from either the kitchen or bar.

In today’s piece, we share with you our experts’ tips on how you can make the most out of these solutions to boost revenue in different parts of your facility.

Visibility at the Entrance is Key

The lobby is where the bulk of guests enter and / or foregather at any hotel or resort. Major areas are there: check-in counters, the concierge, and information desks. The placement of large vertical or horizontal LED screens in the lobby allows hotels and resorts to both welcome their guests, bid them a fond farewell, and inform them about current promotions at on-site restaurants, bars, lounges, and activity centres.

Check Them In, Check Them Out

Speaking of checking in, a number of hotels and resorts in India, as well as other parts of the world, utilise digital kiosks to speed up the process of coming in or leaving the facility. These kiosks allow guests to double check their stay details through the hotel’s database and pay for their stay using credit cards or online banking facilities. As a means of increasing facility revenue, these kiosks may also be used to promote the hotel’s loyalty programme and encourage guests to enrol themselves or a family member in order to enjoy benefits not available to others. Those already enrolled in such programmes may also use these kiosks to check their points or credits to see what they can use onsite.

Digital Signage Kiosk for Resort

Safety First

Digital signage for resorts in India aren’t just there to let guests know about events going on where they’re staying. These are also an excellent means of deploying necessary information about public safety. The placement of notice screens in areas like spas, swimming pools, hot tub zones, and even gyms enable management to put out warnings against horseplay and the improper use of such facilities. During emergencies, announcements advising guests to remain calm may be deployed through digital signage solutions throughout the resort, along with marked escape routes and emergency exits.

Head Out on Tour

Another great way to maximise resort digital signage solutions is to tie up with the local tourism board to display attractions through in-facility screens. This allows the establishment to increase revenue with digital signage, while boosting the local or host economy by pointing tourists towards various attractions that may pique their interest.

resort digital signage solutions

Partners in Promotion

An establishment may also earn additional revenue through the placement of ads from partner establishments or suppliers in resort digital signage solutions. This is particularly important if a hotel or resort is hosting a professional or trade conference on the premises: participants can put an ad into the system and pay the airing fee, they gain the attention of potential clients, and the resort gains additional revenue. It’s a situation where everyone wins.

Paper is Unnecessary

In today’s world, we turn our sights on more sustainable ways to run a business, and this includes minimising an establishment’s carbon footprint in a practical manner. The need to reduce paper allows for the use of digital signage for resorts in India, mostly as an alternative to paper or cardboard menus. Digital kiosks may be placed outside a restaurant or bar to serve as both a seat selection service and a menu system, also reducing the need for additional manpower. Traditional menus can also be replaced by QR codes placed at every table, as well as shifting digital menus over the bar. Such digital solutions can also be used at a hotel or resort gift shop, and these may do double duty by presenting special or seasonal promotions to draw customers in. Kiosks similar to those used for digital checking in or out may also be used as a payment system in these establishments.

Ready to consider digital signage for resorts in India? We have what you need at Scala. Featuring numerous digital signage solutions for both hotels and resorts, consider us your partner in boosting both customer traffic and overall revenue. Learn more about us through our website.

About the Author:

Scala digital signage experts share their experience and thoughts in our blog to provide practical tips and advice for real-world applications. Our team aims to offer interesting content through a variety of formats including long form articles, video logs, interviews and infographics.

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