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Leading digital solutions to transform the
retail shopping experience.


Transform Your Retail Store with Smart Digital Signage

Digital Signage for Shopping Malls and Retail Stores

Scala digital signage solutions are ideal for Australian retailers looking to extend the online experience to physical stores. By optimising the in-store experience, our digital signage solutions for retail help drive sales, increase customer satisfaction and boost engagement. With Scala, retailers can join the wave of digital transformation in brick-and-mortar stores.

Key Use Cases

Attract Customers

Attract customers to your store by positioning digital screens at shop windows and storefronts.

Promote Sales

Use retail digital displays to promote sales and specials. Attract and engage customers with dynamic visuals and captivating displays.

Influence Purchase Decisions

Highlight new products, popular items, and best-selling products through smart digital displays for retail. Use in-store tablets to engage customers and encourage product discovery.

Personalise the In-store Experience

Gather and analyze shopper data to provide customised on-screen messages to target audiences based on personas.

Create Interactive Experiences

Help customers find their way around large shopping complexes with wayfinding kiosks and digital store directories.

Upsell and Cross-sell

Use smart digital displays for retail to upsell, cross-sell and deliver relevant product recommendations to increase your sales.

Retail Solutions

Scala’s range of advanced retail digital signage solutions helps Australian retailers provide an engaging shopping experience, distinguish their brand, increase customer engagement, and drive sales growth.

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Why Scala for Retail


Stable and Reliable

Scala retail digital signage solutions are designed for stable and reliable 24/7 performance.


Flexible and Scalable

Regardless of project size or scope, every aspect of the digital experience can be personalised through retail digital signage solutions.


Infinitely Customisable

Easily create visually stunning digital signage content with Scala’s web-based design tool, while maintaining brand integrity through customised colours, images, fonts, and styles.


User Friendly

Scala simplifies the deployment process from content creation to playlist building and scheduling. With an intuitive interface, scheduling and deploying content across multiple screens and locations becomes effortless.


Smart Content Management

Scala Player digital signage software provides advanced features such as smart playlists, scheduling, user roles, and triggers to enable efficient management of digital signage content.


Design Versatility

Scala provides limitless design options to fit digital displays of any size, including landscape, portrait, and video walls. Content can be auto-rotated and scaled to ensure a perfect fit for your displays.

Create Compelling Content Easily

Scala Designer offers an easy and intuitive interface for creating visually appealing, versatile digital signage content allowing users to seamlessly combine text, images, graphics, video, and animation.

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”

– Steve Jobs

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