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7 Successful Ways to Use Digital Signage in Higher Education

by Scala Team

7 Successful Ways to Use Digital Signage in Higher Education

by Esther Chew

With 73% of educational institutions viewing digital signage as crucial for the future of communication, digital signage is set to become a game-changer in the field of modern education.

Technology is now playing a crucial role in the classroom and schools are embracing the use of technology to deliver quality education, enhance learning and engage with tech-savvy students.

To create a conducive environment for students and elevate the classroom experience, schools can consider the use of digital signage for education. Here are several ways schools can effectively leverage digital signage to deliver an enhanced learning experience.

1. Creating an Interactive Atmosphere

Imagine that it is your students’ first day at school. Once they enter the campus, a big screen welcomes them with a warm message, leaving a good first impression.

School lobby digital signage creates a pleasant vibe for visitors while strengthening the institution’s brand. Important announcements can be featured prominently on screens across the campus to inform students and faculty about key information such as changes in class schedules, campus events and safety information.

2. Provide Dynamic Wayfinding

Large sprawling campuses can be challenging for new students and visitors to find their way around. Interactive wayfinding kiosks placed at lobbies, intersecting hallways and other areas where navigational help may be needed can offer directions, directories, maps and other valuable wayfinding assistance.

3. Content Flexibility

Dynamic digital screens allow users to have full control in terms of content management and distribution. Unique content can be shared on specific digital screens and updated easily. Workgroup management enables multiple persons to update information, with varying approval levels for each group.

Through a central content management system, you can assign areas where you can deliver school news or promote events to boost attendance and support. Daily class schedules can also be displayed.

Through videos and credit rolls, digital signage for education can also be a channel to acknowledge and recognize alumni or valued donors who have contributed significantly to the development of the campus.

Additionally, recognizing student accomplishments through digital screens can promote healthy competition and boost morale.

4. Promote Safety

In the event of an emergency, digital signage for schools can be utilised to push necessary instructions to ensure the safety of everyone on campus. Real-time weather and traffic updates can help students plan their alternative routes back home.

5. Enable Virtual Learning

In addition to improving the campus environment, digital signage also presents a unique teaching experience with real-time engagement to remote instructors and participants alike.

X2O Media’s virtual classroom technology creates an engaging immersive environment with multiple camera views and enables remote users to participate in everything that is taking place within the live classroom.

Featuring high-definition, bi-directional audio/visual communication, interactive whiteboards, presentation monitors with content sharing and a suite of integrated collaboration tools – X2O Virtual Classroom is designed to facilitate interaction between instructors and participants.

6. Additional Revenue Stream

Through partnerships with other brands, schools can leverage digital signage to generate income through advertising campaigns. The campus environment presents an excellent platform for brands of educational products to advertise to a ready audience.

7. Enhance Entertainment Areas

Installing a large video wall can bring life to a school’s gymnasium or auditorium. Be it a sport, art or music event, digital signage can help improve the ambience of an event space and improve attendance.

Enrich Your Education System with Digital Signage

Scala offers a stable, flexible and easy-to-use platform to help educational institutions deliver a high-quality educational experience throughout campuses and classrooms. Find out more about Scala’s digital signage for education here.

About the Author:

Scala digital signage experts share their experience and thoughts in our blog to provide practical tips and advice for real-world applications. Our team aims to offer interesting content through a variety of formats including long form articles, video logs, interviews and infographics.

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