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Five Digital Signage Solutions for Manufacturing and Warehousing

by Scala Team

Five Digital Signage Solutions for Manufacturing and Warehousing

by Scala Team

If you’re looking for a way to integrate various processes to improve workplace communication, then digital signage for manufacturing is a great option to consider.

Streamlining business processes is a way to ensure a company’s success, particularly in the fields of manufacturing and warehousing. However, communication – specifically between the production floor and other departments – is what makes or breaks the entire system.

Digital Signage Solutions for Manufacturing

Factory digital signage displays are one of the best ways to get a point across, whether it’s safety reminders for those working the floor or announcements for everyone in the building. Having digital signage for manufacturing makes intra-facility communication more effective and time efficient than making individual calls per department or sending emails en masse with the risk that not everyone will read them.

In this feature, we present five manufacturing signage solutions and warehouse digital signage that you may find useful for manufacturing or to streamline communications within a warehouse setting.

Digital Signage Solutions for Warehousing

What Options are Currently Available?

    ● Production Dashboards

    These were made to display production data in real time, including the assembly line’s key performance indicators. These allow both supervisors and workers to keep tabs on working targets, maintain an acceptable level of efficiency, ensure that any machinery is in optimal operational condition, and reduce overall downtime. Likewise, these may also be used to ensure compliance with safety guidelines, as they can display standard regulations, steps for proper use of equipment, as well as emergency alerts and notices for evacuation.

    ● Wayfinding and Navigation

    Best placed in lobbies, floor landings, and entrances, these examples of factory digital displays easily help employees and guests get around facilities. These may likewise be used to show which areas are open to the public and which are under controlled entry conditions. In the event of an emergency, this form of digital signage for manufacturing enables companies to vacate their facilities safely as evacuation routes may be displayed.

    ● Human Resource Communications Displays

    Sending an email to everyone in a company can be frustrating as there will be those who won’t bother to open it. Likewise, audio announcements tend to be ignored under the rattle and hum of machinery working and workplace chatter. Manpower-centric digital signage for manufacturing allows HR departments to make company-wide announcements that are easily visible, ensuring that information is disseminated in a timely fashion throughout a wider area. Likewise, these displays can also show which employees have been doing very well, giving them credit for their work and holding them up as examples for others to follow. In the context of manpower training, these may also be used to present relevant audiovisual modules to participants.

    ● Environmental Monitoring Displays

    In the context of warehouse digital signage as well as manufacturing digital signage, such displays are vital. Tied up with employee and facility safety, these are used to show real-time information regarding the air quality within enclosed spaces, overall humidity, as well as temperature. By doing so, companies may safeguard the health of their employees, along with the overall cleanliness of both manufacturing facilities and warehouses. Temperature is also a critical form of warehouse digital signage, especially in facilities that require products to be refrigerated or kept at a particular climate setting.

    ● Maintenance Alert Systems

    One of the necessary aspects of manufacturing is ensuring that the equipment is always in proper working order. Maintenance alert systems in the form of digital signage for manufacturing keeps employees aware of when to shut down particular pieces of equipment for necessary maintenance work. This prevents unnecessary breakdowns that could seriously hamper overall productivity.

It should also be noted that such display solutions need to work harmoniously with other forms of workplace automation, including ERP, MES, and SCADA, and any content deployed therein needs to be handled with an equally effective content management system (CMS.)

Where Should Digital Signage be Placed in a Manufacturing Facility or Warehouse?

In a manufacturing facility, the effectiveness of digital signage is also dependent on where it is placed. Here are the most effective ways to place warehouse digital signage for spreading information on-site, the following are the best areas for placement:

Manufacturing Digital Signage Solutions

    1. Break Rooms and Locker Rooms

    This completely supersedes the need for a static bulletin board and the use of paper for flyers or printing announcements. Likewise, these can be updated remotely and in a timelier fashion.

    2. Warehouses

    Putting in warehouse digital signage in your facility not only ensures good communication between supervisors and workers, but it also prevents accidents and further enhances the safety of the working area. Digital signage may also be used to show real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) as motivation for employees, as well as current inventory stats.

    3. Assembly Lines

    The placement of factory digital displays on the assembly line contributes to the productivity of the workplace as it may be used to show project targets, how much inventory is left, as well as what needs to be improved or corrected. As stated in the previous section, real-time displays can also be used by supervisors and safety officers to monitor the floor to prevent or mitigate any accidents.

    4. Conference Rooms

    Digital signage for manufacturing is used commonly to advise people that a conference room is in use. For an actual meeting, these can be used to display relevant metrics or to allow interaction with participants who are off-site, as in the case of Zoom meetings and conference calls.

    5. Entrances and Lobbies

    Not only do these serve as digital wayfinders for guests and employees to navigate their way quickly, but they are also a great way to introduce the company to outsiders. In terms of security, digital signage also helps: interactive kiosks may be used to generate QR codes or badges for visitors, and to gather relevant information.

These are but the tip of the iceberg, given how the field of digital signage continues to evolve. If you’re looking for signage solutions for your own warehouse enterprise, consider a variety of solutions that Scala can offer such as back-end solutions to display methods,
visit for more information.

About the Author:

Scala digital signage experts share their experience and thoughts in our blog to provide practical tips and advice for real-world applications. Our team aims to offer interesting content through a variety of formats including long form articles, video logs, interviews and infographics.

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