
Re-opening of Schools – Digital Signage Unites Teachers and Students

by Jasdeep Kohli

Re-opening of Schools – Digital Signage Unites Teachers and Students

by Jasdeep Kohli

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the education system in many countries around the world. Schools for more than 168 million students have been completely closed for over a year in order to contain the virus. Under this circumstance, digital technology has played a vital role in providing the means for interactive remote learning. Digital signage for education is set to flourish in the near future.

As schools start to re-open, effective communication and promoting a safe and healthy learning environment have become the need of the hour. Digital signage for schools, such as entrance digital displays and corridor digital billboards, have replaced traditional posters and notice boards in enforcing health and safety guidelines.

In this article, we discuss how education digital signage solutions are beneficial in facilitating the re-opening of schools and uniting the school community.

A Warm Welcome

A warm welcome message can be featured on a large digital display to greet students, staff and visitors on the first day of the school’s re-opening, to create a pleasant atmosphere and boost the excitement of students.

Elevate Learning Experiences

By embracing technology, teachers can create a more enriching and collaborative study environment. While in-school digital signage has proven to be more effective than traditional classroom learning as the high-definition visuals contribute to higher interest levels of students, remote learning in Asia-Pacific is on the rise.

The online education market in India is poised to grow by $14.33 billion during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 21%, while the K-12 online education market in China is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.28% during 2017-2021.

Update Content Anytime, Anywhere

Digital signage for schools enables content to be updated anytime, anywhere and creates a modern learning environment that is uncluttered by printed signs and papers. With digital signs, teachers can add new visuals and content remotely with a single click. They can also broadcast essential information instantaneously.

Targeted Information Distribution

Digital signage for schools enables targeted messaging. Teachers can display important information like exam timetables, upcoming events, new staff information and project submission dates to a specific group of students.

Stream Live Events

With social distancing as the new normal, live events like Sports Day can now be streamed real-time on large digital signage screens in schools, enabling more of the audience to participate in the event.

Safety Reminders

Touchless digital screens displaying safety and health reminders will now be a constant feature in schools. These digital screens can be placed at common locations like the field, reception areas, cafeterias etc. to promote safety.

Uniting the School Community

Digital signage can be used by teachers to display student appreciation and accolades. Students get a sense of accomplishment, thus building a stronger community of dedicated students. Schools can also showcase their achievements on digital screens placed at the entrance, to reinforce a strong brand image.


Digital signage for schools can help in filling the communication gap when schools re-open. The need for seamless communication among students and teachers has increased, especially when students are returning to school after a long break.

Scala provides effective and reliable digital signage solutions for schools, which help to empower schools in re-uniting the school community, promoting a safe environment and elevating the learning experience.

About the Author:

Jasdeep Kohli, Vice President Marketing – APAC at STRATACACHE/SCALA, leads the spectrum of marketing initiatives across the Asia-Pacific region, which include, product marketing, brand, events, business planning, communications and market research. With extensive cross-disciplinary expertise in marketing, branding and management, he has been a key driver in raising the brand visibility and elevating the market leadership of STRATACACHE & SCALA in APAC. His passion for retail marketing and customer experience drives him to develop innovative and customer-focused approaches to business opportunities.

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